Tuesday, May 31, 2016

"Just think..." -Anonymous [1136x640]

http://bit.ly/1RKueyd via /r/QuotesPorn http://bit.ly/1XdhYyW

"Injustice is telling them education is key..." -Donovan Livingston [1438x960]

http://bit.ly/1Xd1dUo via /r/QuotesPorn http://bit.ly/1Xd1Jln

No One can tell whats going in between the Person you were and the Person you Become... / Swag " STEPHEN KING " OS [564 X 564]

http://bit.ly/1Xc0Ycf via /r/QuotesPorn http://bit.ly/1TUtQSb

“At some point, you're no longer growing up, you're aging. But no one can pinpoint that moment exactly.” - Richard Linklater, Boyhood [500x342]

http://bit.ly/1O21vdm via /r/QuotesPorn http://bit.ly/1TUrC5j

"...It should be the experience that is touching" - Shigeru Miyamoto[1218x676]

http://bit.ly/1TUeVYh via /r/QuotesPorn http://bit.ly/1O1Pdln

"And I realised for perhaps the first time that it wasn't so much death that I was afraid of, but life." - Hans Taylor [600 x 633]

http://bit.ly/1P0wG3L via /r/QuotesPorn http://bit.ly/1XbkgOS

"Happiness will never come to those who..." - The Buddha [600x400]

http://bit.ly/1RIjbFw via /r/QuotesPorn http://bit.ly/1XLvGY8

Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” ~Will Rogers Resolution [640 X 640]

http://bit.ly/1VrFia4 via /r/QuotesPorn http://bit.ly/1sI3byH

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

"There's a right way and a wrong way to do everything..." -Col. Sherman Potter [1094 X 800]

http://bit.ly/1Uci31f via /r/QuotesPorn http://bit.ly/1s8lTj8

"He hated and loved it, as he hated and loved himself." - Gandalf [1118x626]

http://bit.ly/1s7Hmsu via /r/QuotesPorn http://bit.ly/1OLvRMa

"Weeds are flowers, too, once you get to know them" - Winnie the Pooh [800x640]

http://bit.ly/1qHkoai via /r/QuotesPorn http://bit.ly/1TUxUz4

"Weeds are flowers, too, once you get to know them" - Winnie the Pooh [800x640]

http://bit.ly/1qHeXrN via /r/QuotesPorn http://bit.ly/20wl5zm

"Weed are flowers, too, ones you get to know them" - Winnie the Pooh [800x640]

http://bit.ly/1qHeXrN via /r/QuotesPorn http://bit.ly/1WMuAMC

"Be Fearless..." - Unknown [564x787]

http://bit.ly/1XtQ6Vq via /r/QuotesPorn http://bit.ly/1OKUHvA

There is nothing so useless - Peter Drucker [680 x252]

http://bit.ly/1TTYd8u via /r/QuotesPorn http://bit.ly/1WPMZsr

"Money is the McMansion in Sarasota that starts falling apart after 10 years. Power is the old stone building that stands for centuries" -Francis Underwood (600x337)

http://bit.ly/1WPrIyX via /r/QuotesPorn http://bit.ly/1YUJn5A

Sunday, May 22, 2016